Friday, October 26, 2007

Snuggle Time...

We get to snuggle a lot at our house with three very loving little girls. This picture was taken moments after daddy got home and got Micah up from her nap. (He can't stand when they are sleeping.) Michael loves to spend every second he has at home with his girls. When you work a lot and don't get very much time at home it really puts the time you do get with your family into perspective for you. Everyone knows Marley is a Mama's girl. She has to have snuggle time for at least a good 10-15 minutes after she wakes in the morning and after nap. If not she's not a happy camper. Maci will really go either way. But if she had to choose I know it would be her daddy. The two of them have a special bond. Something having to do with both being the oldest children. Michael really works hard not to leave her out of anything and even reminds me when I get carried away in motherly duties with the twins. Splitting your time equally between 3 children is a lot harder than it seems. I love them all the same, just in different ways. Today I'm most thankful for the blessings of love God has surrounded us with in our lives. I'm forever indebted...
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