Did you marvel at the Master's work last night?...
Did you gaze upon the sky?...
Did you clear you mind?...
if only for a second...
How wonderful a message this sight sent me...
If you read my entry below, yesterday was nothing like the reflections above!
My patience had long ran out, almost lost all control, the scales of balance were tipped upside down and harmony seemed far from the picture of my life on Wednesday.
(there was much more to the story than I blogged about.)
Micah and Marley had gotten into my make-up again...
I mean all into it...Powder on everywhere, foundation on the sink, finger nail polish stained the front of my cabinets and rugs, mashed up eye shadow on the floor and mascarra everywhere else...Nothing left unopened and not an inch of my bathroom that had not been marred. (and our bathroom is pretty big.)
Where are the pictures you might be thinking....
I was too furious to take any...I keep saying, next time I will...
But the anger never get's any lighter....
Just listen and don't get into things you are not supposed to children...LOL
(Oh and for the record I thought they were playing in their room, not much damage can be done in there.)
How perfectly loving of our Heavenly Father to paint this picture for me...
And for you...
I can just hear Him now...
Remember my child...they are only little once...when they are grown...you will wish for days like these...Be patient and they will learn...Build your will power strong enough to always remain in control...Because when the lights are blown out...kisses are given...and all are in the bed...I give you this promise...Tomorrow will hold a brand new day...The choice of how to embrace it will be your's...But you are not alone...Come to me my child...I will walk with you...talk with you...and forever love you! I'm preparing you for something much better, and using you to prepare them for my plans to unfold in their lives as well...AMAZING...I know!!!
So just as the full moon passed into the earth's shadow and the rays of sun were blocked from lighting it up...I was reminded of the Grandeur Plan...The Bigger Picture...Perfection await's us all...one day! (But this day or any on this earth were just not intended for that perfection. Isn't that the beauty of it?)
1 comment:
Dawn - these pictures are beautiful! I can't believe what kind of day you had yesterday! I'm sure that you were furious in the moment, but this will be one of those things that you look back on when your kids are all grown up, and you'll all just sit back and laugh about it.
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