Do you have any idea how much information is out there about "Getting Ahead"?
Everyone would like to get rich fast with Marketing Money gimmicks...
Parents wonder why their kids can't grow up, and stay at the top of the game?...
People plan ahead for vacations a year or more in advance...
We have dreamed up visions of what we want our children to become, what collage we want them to attend,
and all before they have barely left their cribs....
Is it really that important to know that Sally is going to be in the same class as her BFF next year and to do all we can do to make sure Junior will be on the best little league baseball team?
(Because somehow we think that these events will directly impact their future as adults?)
Yesterday's sermon was on discipline or lack their of, LOL.
(You can hear it at if you want. It's listed on the right side under pod cast.)
Which was perfect to sum up the week I had. Even Rita's children's sermon just seemed to speak directly to me...
Or could it be that I am not alone? Someone else may just be going through the same things I am?....
I was just talking to Erin about worrying...
I referred to the scripture quotes I had taped all over my house on worrying...
It was reassuring to know that even way back then, in the bible times, though times were different, they still faced the same problems that we do today...
Do you think that is a coincidence? I don't, I think that is they way the Master planned it...
If we'd stop looking and wrapping ourselves up in the worldly things that claim fame to "Getting us Ahead" and looked more into the BIBLE, the handbook He gives us to live by.
Then may be we would understand that it's NOT God's plan for our lives to Get Ahead!
I frequently ponder; will the laundry ever be completely tackled, the children completely content, the money ever perfectly budgeted, and on and on an on... In hope that someday I'll be ahead of the game...
I think it's this world we live in that makes us so concerned about this. The rate race...The first one there or your a rotten egg...The cream of the crop...The searching in all the wrong places for all the wrong reasons...
But the way God's plan unfolds in our lives is not for the better in ourselves. Unfortunately, we would like for it to be.
Today and just today...I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to stop wrapping up so much of my thought and energy into getting ahead...
If I survived today...tomorrow is sure to come...I'll just conquer each one step at a time...
and in the mean time...
That tomorrow will be just a little better....and a little becoming the divine woman I know I was created to be...
Monday, February 25, 2008
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