Friday, November 30, 2007

Honesty- Day 4 of Moriah's Challenge...

Being honest is a lesson I unfortunately learned the hard way. Many, many years ago I used to tell lies to escape the consequences of telling the truth. Which meant I was doing things I knew were wrong. In our childhood/adolescence we make so many mistakes. I feel fortunate now that this is a lesson I learned at a young age. So I had time to gain back trust and not make the same devastating mistakes as an adult. Lesson learned...

I'm calm in nature but hot tempered...
I put everything off to the last minute...
---this causes me STRESS---------
I drink a cup or 2 of coffe every morning to get me going.
Weh children whine it sends knives up my spine and makes me want to run away...LOL
I don't like to be in the spotlight...
I'm not really a blond, anymore...
Sometimes I guve in just to avoid conflict...
I'm not honest when I think it might hurt someone's feelings...
I've been known to laugh and smile when I really want to cry...
I've really sensitive and wear my heart on my sleave...
I don't like pitty...
I would rather know how you turly feel than to haveyou pretend...
It bothers me when the reason someone does something is for self gratification.
It bothers me when people speak before they think.
...and when they gossip...
I have this silly fear of being the last one up/awake at night.
I live in a house of chaios and clutter...
i am guilty of eating and entire chicken pot pie...
I don't like when parents send their sick, runny nose children to school.
I dislike people who think they know everything.
These challenges have been uncomfortable at times.
Whe I clean, sometimes I hide the mess in a closet. So if you ever come over don't open them...
My real pet peeve is when people say they are going ot do something and don't. Expeciall with my kids...
My garage is fill of boxes and we moved a year ago.
I leave the bathroom door open and cross my legs when I pee....
OK maybe that was a little too much info...LOL


ImagesbyMoriah said...

wow girl. I agree so much with you on so many of these things. THE sick kids...ugh...HUGE PET peeve too!!
This was great! THANK YOU!!

Oh, and thank you so much for the kind words about touched me more then you know! I agree. WE are SOOO Much more then moms and housewives and mothers!

La- said...

Love how what you did with the challenge!!
