Fairfield United Methodist Church

Our heavenly Father...Nothing or no one could or will ever bring us more Joy. The second we all believe that our lives are forever changed. No material possession or even person could ever bring us more inner Joy than Him. True inner Joy is not attainable without Him...
My church, Fairfield United Methodist. It's not the domination or the actual building of the church itself, but the people who come. I have learned so much from each of them. Many thing's they will probably never know. (Hey that would make a great challenge Moriah, to write about someone that has impacted you that may not know and invite them to read?) I love to come to church to worship, but also to see and be surrounded with such a great and loving family of believers...I truly love each member and each member holds a special place in my heart...
My mother brings me so much inner joy. Just thinking about her puts a smile on my face. She will and always has loved me unconditionally, fought for me and taught me. No, there's nothing better than being the baby and a mama's girl...
My husband...We are by no means the perfect couple. But we were truly one of those fortunate couples that really listened when God called. I whole heartily believe that He chose Michael for me and vise versa. Just that thought brings me joy. I am truly, deeply and passionately in love with this man...
When my children sing me songs, giggle, give me hugs and inspire me. They are what my life is about now and forever. I love that they are all so different and that each of them radiate beauty. It's just so appropriate because what they have to offer the world is endless and full of happiness, love and joy...
There is nothing like coming back to a good book. One that inspires, captivates and challenges you to grow by facing the unknown. One that you wish you could just sit down in a cozy little spot and read from cover to cover. All of Max Lucado books bring me inner Joy. He is my favorite author. I have a ton of his books. Let me know if you would like to borrow any...
The first kiss of the morning and last kiss of the night. If you haven't figured it out by now I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. My heart sings each morning and night with all 4 kisses that I get. And as a cherry on the top of the Sunday; when my children call me in for "one more kiss and one more hug please." Nothing in the world feels better or tops that...
Something very simple like hearing from an old friend or catching up with a new one. Or finding a e-mail that brings you to tears of joy waiting for you after a very rough day. I truly find joy when my friends open up and trust me with their inner joys, broken hearts, ect. I compassionately care and yearn to help them no matter where their lives may lay...
Sunday lunch...For all you raised here in the South, need I say anything more? LOL The feeling of the family gathering, no matter how big nor small. It amazes me that all Rita (my mother-in-law) has to do is tell her children after church that she has cooked and all 6 of them, their wives, (well Michael's the only one married) and children will be there. Seated around her table, to pray together, laugh together and pick on each other. I can only hope to follow in those footsteps...
The moment when I can find that my work as a photographer has inspired, brought forth emotion or captivated. There is no better feeling than for someone to admire and truly appreciate your work. Especially when to you it's a form of art that you poured your heart into...
This was great M- to focus on the true inner Joy in our lives. Thanks................
My church, Fairfield United Methodist. It's not the domination or the actual building of the church itself, but the people who come. I have learned so much from each of them. Many thing's they will probably never know. (Hey that would make a great challenge Moriah, to write about someone that has impacted you that may not know and invite them to read?) I love to come to church to worship, but also to see and be surrounded with such a great and loving family of believers...I truly love each member and each member holds a special place in my heart...
My mother brings me so much inner joy. Just thinking about her puts a smile on my face. She will and always has loved me unconditionally, fought for me and taught me. No, there's nothing better than being the baby and a mama's girl...
My husband...We are by no means the perfect couple. But we were truly one of those fortunate couples that really listened when God called. I whole heartily believe that He chose Michael for me and vise versa. Just that thought brings me joy. I am truly, deeply and passionately in love with this man...
When my children sing me songs, giggle, give me hugs and inspire me. They are what my life is about now and forever. I love that they are all so different and that each of them radiate beauty. It's just so appropriate because what they have to offer the world is endless and full of happiness, love and joy...
There is nothing like coming back to a good book. One that inspires, captivates and challenges you to grow by facing the unknown. One that you wish you could just sit down in a cozy little spot and read from cover to cover. All of Max Lucado books bring me inner Joy. He is my favorite author. I have a ton of his books. Let me know if you would like to borrow any...
The first kiss of the morning and last kiss of the night. If you haven't figured it out by now I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. My heart sings each morning and night with all 4 kisses that I get. And as a cherry on the top of the Sunday; when my children call me in for "one more kiss and one more hug please." Nothing in the world feels better or tops that...
Something very simple like hearing from an old friend or catching up with a new one. Or finding a e-mail that brings you to tears of joy waiting for you after a very rough day. I truly find joy when my friends open up and trust me with their inner joys, broken hearts, ect. I compassionately care and yearn to help them no matter where their lives may lay...
Sunday lunch...For all you raised here in the South, need I say anything more? LOL The feeling of the family gathering, no matter how big nor small. It amazes me that all Rita (my mother-in-law) has to do is tell her children after church that she has cooked and all 6 of them, their wives, (well Michael's the only one married) and children will be there. Seated around her table, to pray together, laugh together and pick on each other. I can only hope to follow in those footsteps...
The moment when I can find that my work as a photographer has inspired, brought forth emotion or captivated. There is no better feeling than for someone to admire and truly appreciate your work. Especially when to you it's a form of art that you poured your heart into...
This was great M- to focus on the true inner Joy in our lives. Thanks................
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