Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Weeds or Flowers?

Some would say they are just weeds, get rid of them. Many cut them away, spray them with round up or other means to get them out of thier yards. To my girls they are beautiful flowers. Meant for picking, making halo's, neacklaces, anklets and bracelets. Hours of fun and laughter. There isn't a day that I can remember being outside this spring that one or all of my girls has not brought me a fresh picked flower. (This would explain why I don't have anything left in bloom right now. LOL)
I thank God for all the beautiful flowers they have collected.
That fill our home with so much love, happiness and beauty.
And for our 3 Amazing little girls!

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Mom said...

Dawn, you have such a talent for not only taking pix, but for putting your feelings into words for everyone to read and enjoy. I love the way you take special time with your girls. They will remember that forever. You truly are Gods special child that he sent for me to call my daughter.
I love you, Mom

Dawn Lynch said...

Thanks MOM! What do I say? What a great examples I had... Thanks!
love you too,

Anil Kumar said...

She is one of the cutest kids I've seen till date! Not only cute, she's also very beautiful! God bless her, and her family! :)