Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Garrison's HARLEY PARTY!

My baby boy. I say that lightly Erin, cause I know you are the one who went through all that pain and pushing to get him here. LOL Saturday we celebrated with some great friends of our's. Thier only child is turning 2. I say he's my baby boy, casue we laugh all the time that he will be the closest to my ever having a boy. We aren't planning for any more at all so that may be very true!

Garrison is 2 weeks older than Micah & Marley. He was born April 30, 2005. His parents and I were neighbors at the time. So close is an understatement when you describe our relationship. Even though we are in Denver and they have moved to Lincolnton, it has not kept us apart. How could you stay away from that adorable little face, LOL. Love you too Erin & Rod! Erin and I often pick around saying that I need to have someone around all the time and she needs to be needed, so we make up the perfect friendship. LOL Honestly I am so blessed to have them in my life. Truly GREAT FRIENDS!

I can not tell you how many times Erin has come by when I needed her help and when I just needed a friend. She tells me all the time she could never handle twins and God only gives them to special people. But she can and has taken all my children and her son so many, many times. She never gives herself any credit or expects any in return. Just such an amazing friend I love dearly and look up to in so many ways. If you need her for anything all you have to do is think about it and the next second she's calling on the phone offering to help, no lie. I appreciate all you have done but most of all for being my friend.


Garrison & His Poppy

Garrison & Erin

Thanks for a great time and a wonderful Sunday afternoon!
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1 comment:

Lynn White said...

I want to thank you for such good pictures of Garrison's 2-yr birthday. They have made me smile and laugh out loud.

You are really good at what you do and as you can see it really shows.

Garrison's Great Auntie - aka...Lynn White