This picture reminded me of a poem I wrote to Michael,
through the eyes of our girls,
last year on his "34th" Birthday.
Our Hero
You fly higher than superman can soar,
Hulk Hogan couldn't spend a day in the shoes you wore.
You are our Hero, you are our DAD.
Nothing and no one compare to the way you are always there.
You are our Hero, you are our DAD.
When you come home from a long day's work,
You could find a buddy or two who could help
you forget the long days labor you just wen through.
Instead you head through the door, take off your dirty shirt,
and play with us on the floor.
What evere we ask, you jump to do.
Weather its ball or Barbies, who knew?
Eskimo kisses, raspberry blows, tickle, tickle, tickle
"Daddy's Home, Daddy's Home!"
When the night draws near you are still here,
cooking dinner, packing lunches, bubble bath's
and secret night time munchies.
Then we sit quietly and you read a night time story.
You pray with us as it eases all our worry.
You have taught us so much throught he things that we do.
Mommy always tells you, we'll never fall in love
becasue, no man will evere measure up to you.
That just may be true!
Day in and day out you do it all over again and again.
We run through the matters of life,
and in the end what matters to us is
you are always our HERO!!
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