Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Fairytale...

One day there was this little girl. Blond hair, blue eyes, not short but not tall either and medium build who had a passion for life. That passion grew as she got older. She knew that life must hold so much more for her. That is when she met her future husband. Only two of them then, thier life quickly advanced and after 3 months of being together they knew life apart was out of the question. Three years later they married. 2000...

After two quick years of being happily married thier first daughter was born. ...and then there were three! She was thier "AMAZING GRACE", aka Maci Grace. They could hardly remember life before this precious baby who seemed to be nothing less that PERFECT! 2002...

Another 2 years went by and she realized the blessings that overflowed in her life. Finding content and peace, God suprised her with so much more. Blessings beyond blessings when they, three, found out they would soon be five. Twins were on thier way!...2004

As if life could possibly get any better this man and this woman welcomed two beautiful baby girls into the world. "...and then they were five!" Thier "HEART" and their "SOUL" aka. Marley Lilliann and Micah Abigail. New beginnings began, they learned parenting all over again. Every book ever written on raising children were now thrown out the window. Becasue in front of them were miracles, and no one before them could begin to explain what overflowed in thier hearts. ...2005

Where are they today, where has life taken them...watch and see. Stay tuned in to find out what happens in the lives of this family of FIVE!.2007


Moriah said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Girl!! This gave me goose bumps!! You should journal this over this picture!! :] I LOVE IT! Welcome to blogging world! SOOOO happy!!

I love the heart and soul part too! So fitting!!

GreatAuntPJ said...

Your family is growing by leaps and bounds. I love seeing the transition of the little girls ... in their photos. How much their spirits are developing! You can see their intelligence, and hearts even in their photos - your doing an amazing job - Dawnie. Keep up the great work. Much love, GA PJ