Today's sermon was preached out of the gospel of Luke 10:1-11;16-20. Our preacher's message was about how we are called out to bring harvest in with our hands. Our hands are not meant to stay in our pockets, but to be out in the world doing the work of Christ.
Hearing the sermon I couldn't help but reflect back of the years where our hands have been. Remembering not only the great times we have shared toghether but the hard ones as well. For it is the stones in our way that we have overcome that have made us so strong.
Seven years ago today my Father & Mother placed my hands in Michael's and gave me away in marrage. To a man they have grown to know and love... Were they sure he was the one? I don't really know. After the wedding my daddy told me that he knew it was OK to give me away when he sow the tears in Michael's eyes as I walked down the isle. It's no secret that he cried and it still gives me chills today to picture his face. On this day our hands were joined forever...
My husband is not the lovey, dovey type, who will grab your hand for any reason and love all over you, expecially in a public place. The times we have held tight together stay forever in my mind becasuse they were simply so special...
On our honeymoon, in Cancun, Mexico I remember nightly strolls along the beach hand in hand. I wish we were there now...
Walking through the door of our very first home, our hands embraced and our hearts entwined...
Through the loss of loved ones we'd stand at their graves, there for each other, hand in hand...
As we embraced parenthood, I was scared to death with our first. I can remember how calm and helpful Michael was in the delivery room. Holding my hand and counting for me as I took each breath. Then the very first time he held the hand of our first born baby girl. I never knew how awesome it would feel to watch my husband fall in love with someone else...
When things could not seem any better, we are blessed with twins. Talk about really scared! I felt the life drift from my body as I lay there aloe before my C-Section. All I could think about was, when will Michael be able to come in? How I longed for his hand to comfort me and reassure me...
Now in the new home we share, with the foundation we have built. Not of stone or brick, but of love, and trust and faithfullness. We are so blessed with all we have been through and for another year of laughter, joy and happiness...
Michael I don't know what I would do with out your hand to hold through all the JOY and Sorrow. I need you by my side as my partner, team mate and love. I love you will all of my heart, with all of my soul and all of my might. May we share many, many more anniversary's together. Hand in hand...