If you could smell them, they'd smell like fresh picked flowers from a garden.
(Gerber Sweet Pea Lotion)
If you could touch them, their skin as soft as cotton.
If you could hear them, their giggles like medicine to my heart.

Our house is "totally girls", "girly girls", "sweet as can be." I never once doubted God knew what He was doing when he gave me three beautiful, smart, blond haired, blue eyed little girls. Daily reminders of the beauty all around us. You couldn't look at one of them and not fine "JOY", I dare you. We do have our up's and down's, don't get me wrong. Life is far from perfect and we are no exception to the childhood plagues. (temper tantrums, winey babies, DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA) But the good in these three little Blessings far out weigh our worst day. After bath tonight the girls wanted to swing. Which happens to the the BEST Mother's Day gift ever!! Thank You daddy and girls. So we grabbed a good book and headed onto our front porch. This gift is the kind of gift that will keep on giving. I imagine my girls and I cuddled up on this swing many day's and night's this year and in the years to come.
For coming to me as little sweet angels. Giving me the oppertunity to become a Mother to you is a pleasure. Your raidance is astonishing! I am in awe of the Master's creation when I look at each of you. Each so different yet beautiful in your own ways. Your hearts as pure as gold. May our halls always be filled with giggles, you skin forever stay as soft as cotton and the smell of flowers permiate the air where ever you are. I could not imagine life without each of you.
You are my JOY, my HEART & my SOUL.
With all my Love and all my Heart,